Saturday, October 8, 2011

...2 steps forward and 1 step back....

.....8 years ago brad and i climbed the south sister....the last part of the climb was in very loose rock and required a slow steady foot that moved two steps forward and one step back. it was a slow and painstaking way to climb. i feel as tho i am climbing this same way on my journey to fitness....why does it feel like the knowledge and progress i have gained can give way at anytime to a setback? thinking back to the south sister...i did not get frustrated with the last part of the fact, it became the most exhilarating and rewarding aspect of the climb. why? my eyes were not focused on my feet, but, on the mountain top....although the progress was slow...i could see that there was progress....looking back over my shoulder i could see how far i had come and with anticipation look forward to where i was going. growth and understanding seem to happen in the hardest part of the journey....i need to remember to take my eyes off my feet and lift them to the mountain top. now...that sounds nice, but, in reality there is no end to our fitness mountain top to stand on...that is, for nike promotes on its t-shirt...there is no finish line. there's the rub. i desire the accomplishment of finishing something i started...the world seems to recognize, respect and reward courage, capability, strength, discipline....all characteristics of someone who has arrived at the end of their fitness journey....i am learning that to try to live under the pressure of arriving is not what i truly flesh may crave it but my soul and my spirit would rather live in the dependence of someone bigger than myself. when i recognize my own weakness and inadequacies it gives me the opportunity to trust more of myself in God. so....2 steps forward and 1 step back is not such a bad place to long as i keep my eyes off my feet and focused on the One who gives "strength to the weak and rest to the weary" ....i will be okay.... is your journey going....i really am interested in hearing about it...