Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What to Expect at Fitness Camp!

Women’s Fitness Camp was created out of a desire to give women the opportunity to learnconsider, examine, engage, challenge, and be inspired to live a healthy and balanced life.  Fitness Camp begins at 4:00 pm on MARCH 9TH at Camp Tapawingo.  For the following 26 hours you will be presented with  opportunities to challenge yourself physically, spiritually and emotionally. Here is what you can expect:

An Opportunity to Consider & Learn:
Workshops led by a Professional Fitness Trainer, Tracy Gannaway from En-Core Fitness, will address the importance of Core Development and Nutrition 101. 

An Opportunity to Engage & Be Challenged:
A Fitness Hike, An Amazing Race, A Movement Class, A Challenge Course Experience

An Opportunity to Examine and Be Inspired:
“What’s on Your Plate”:  3 Meals and Snacks carefully prepared for you to enjoy and to teach you what balanced eating can look like. A discussion on “Overcoming Barriers” and practical tips to help you move forward.
 To Register:
Call Jane at 503-787-3828....Leave your Name and Phone Number and you will be contacted personally to complete the registration...OR....E-mail Jane at to get the registration process started.

Fitness Camp fee of $75 will be collected on March 9th.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tapawingo Women's Fitness Camp....'s ON!!  women's fitness camp set is for March 9th and 10th!!  Once again i can feel my heart swelling with anticipation of the idea of women gathering together to encourage each other in this crazy fitness journey we are all on. it really doesn't matter where you are physically, emotionally, or spiritually what matters is that you care where you are. the tapawingo fitness camp is designed for all levels of fitness and different levels of participation. if you need a gentle hike through the woods...that can happen...or maybe you want to challenge yourself to the amazing race.....or fly on the giant swing....or sit and enjoy healthy meals and snacks prepared for you....whatever your personal fitness goals may be...we want to encourage you to keep it going! is what you need to do if you want to attend. call me (Jane) at 503-787-3828  BEFORE March 1st....leave your name & phone number....or send an e-mail to your address & phone number.....or facebook me a message.  once you tell me you are interested in attending ...i will mail you the registration form and details.

it all begins Friday....March 9th at 5:00 pm.....with registration & settling in....and dinner at continues through 5:00pm on Saturday, March 10th......or if you like there is an option for extended stay.....

fee is $75....that's only 21 lattes to give up!

Monday, January 2, 2012

.... soul amnesia

...perhaps you remember what Jesus answered when he was asked this question, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"...Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." sounds simple, yet, often my heart is divided, my mind is distracted, and i  suffer from what i call soul amnesia. you know.  finding yourself back in the place where you thought you had  victory...and here you are again, learning the same lesson. again. and again.  fresh starts. first steps. new beginnings. resolutions. it's that time of year and it's what most people are talking about. normally, i would be jumping head first into the long list of resolutions and goals i have created for myself...but...this year....i am resisting the urge. i am waiting.....waiting for my soul to remember.  instead of self-striving...i will wait for my soul to remind me to let go of that try-hard life.  instead of mentally wiping the trials and struggles of last year out of my mind with the promise of a fresh start... i will wait for my soul to remember the peace that comes in the midst of a storm. instead of creating and manufacturing a happy life....i will wait for hope and joy to rise in their own time and place. i am reminded of a special gift i received this year....notecards that say, "I Pray, therefore I Hope." instead of resolutions i will pray....and i want to pray differently. not for outcomes..but for a soul that is awake... a heart that is quick to love and a mind eager to praise and to remember the Goodness of our God.